(427) The Water Brothers Grimm

Alex and Tyler Mifflin

The main interview this week is our old friends Tyler and Alex Mifflin aka TVO’s “The Water Brothers“. An award winning show, now in production of it’s third season Alex and Tyler have had great success balancing education, entertainment, accessibility and urgency to important issues around one of the very few things on this earth we actually can’t do without… Water.

For those wondering about the show title, The Brother Grimm were 18th century storytellers who codified cultural stories and helped preserve these stories in our culture… so I think the pun fits 😀

Tim Nash
Tim Nash

Tim Nash the Sustainable Economist and our resident correspondent on everything to do with finance starts off the show with a few words about divestment from fossil fuels. You can read more about Tim and links to his resources in our contributors section.

“Contamination Nation”

Finally, Kevin Farmer helps us wrap up the show with a few words about big business propaganda, and a plug for the upcoming GlobalTV 16×9 show “Contamination Nation” which we recommend watching! Live Nov 22nd at 7pm on Global. You can check out the show page here: http://globalnews.ca/tag/contamination-nation/

As you might have heard, we are now producing high-quality interviews in full HD video as well as memberships that get you exclusive members content each week! Check it out on the main site here: greenmajority.ca or you can…

Click the image to learn more!
Click the image to learn more!

This weeks Music:

Tanya Tagaq “Force” & Jethro Tull “Songs from the Wood”